Calendar – Final


I decided I liked my fourth text experiment the most and decided to play around with composition of the text and also of the layout of the word “April”. I also decided that I much preferred the text to be in white.

I have decided that I am going to use my third composition as my final calendar piece.

3D Calendar – Shortlisted photos


One of the things that I experimented with when exploring further into the form theme I chose by trying to make the number four simultaneously look like an ‘A’ to help convey the fact that the month is April, I did this by balancing the number on it’s side to create an incomplete letter ‘A’ and also to create an incomplete ‘A’ in the shadows of the piece but I was also trying to keep it readable at the same time as the number four.

Below are the photos that I shortlisted to be considered as possibilities for my final piece:

3D Type Calander


I was given a project to create a piece of 3D typography to relate to a calendar month, either real or one that I chose to create, the final piece had to be an A2 photograph and it wasn’t to look like a conventional calendar. I chose to do April, as it is my birth month, when coming up with ideas I was thinking about what comes to mind when I think of April and apart from the obvious options of events such as easter, I settled on rain and then as the project went on form, as to me April is the month where nature is formed at the start of spring.

My idea was relatively simple, create a box filled with water and put the number four inside it, (because April is the 4th month). I decided to make everything out of transparent acrylic so that the water could be seen inside the box. I used a laser cutter to produce the box and three copies of the number four. However, assembling the box proved to be difficult as I needed an industrial adhesive which was not water soluble; which I managed to find, however, the box was not waterproof so I had to improvise and have a box not filled with water but to fill it and then empty it leaving some droplets so that the rain theme was still present. I then experimented with the form theme I was also using and laid out the number fours thinking about the lines created by the edges of the numbers and also by the shadows created by the numbers using lights in a photography studio where I took the photographs, to add effect I also used coloured lighting gels in the studio. As well as the gels I also experimented with using both black and white backgrounds.

Below are the photos that I took that I have not shortlisted as a possible final piece because of either; undesirable lighting, less than favourable composition or because I thought that it wasn’t as successful as the other photographs:

Design Pioneers Campaign


I was given a typographic pioneers of the 20th century, mine was Hendrik Werkman, and I had to design a post to advertise a fake gallery exhibition of his at the design museum influenced by his work or his style of working, I then had to produce two other forms of advertising this gallery, I chose to do a flyer and a website banner advert. Below are my initial designs for what the poster might look like:

Typo Topo


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I was given a project to take images of typography I could see in an area of my choice, I chose to go to Eltham high street near my halls and took photos of shop signs, restaurant menu’s, numbers on lamp posts, type on a bin, drain covers, road signs, etc. I then took the images into photoshop and made a collage of the type, then printed out what I thought were the best sections and then traced over the type. I then had to add a narrative of my choice, I chose “A walk through Eltham high street” and had to design a way of presenting it, I chose to enforce the idea that the paper was a road and therefore printed out my narrative onto tracing paper in yellow so that I could try and create the effect of double yellow lines going down each side of the page, however this wasn’t as successful as I hoped as it was difficult to find a tone of yellow which could be seen clearly.