‘Place’ Synopsis

Design & Communication 2

For my place film I decided to choose my place to be my life, this meant that I would have a few ways of approaching the project, I chose not to storyboard or plan my film beforehand as I wanted it to show the natural occurances of my life instead of staged ones so that it would be more accurate. I did decide before starting producing on my film that  I was going to film the world around me for about a week/a week an a half at random intervals and then use these clips I had gathered to represent my life I also wanted to include some techniques I found in my research, such a pixelation, which I carried out quite well i believe, I planned to use pixelation to show my eating food in someway and I decided to use a subway sandwich as I thought it would be successful and it was. Overall I believe my whole film to have been successful and I feel that it communicates my life, for that week and a half at least, which was what I wanted to achieve from making this film and choosing my life as my place. Another reason I believe my film to be successful is because it is not boring, I think that an audience of almost any age would be able to watch it without their attention wandering from the film, this was one of my main goals to achieve when I set out to make this film. Something that could have gone better is that I wish I would have recorded more footage so that when editing I could have experimented more with transitions from daytime to nighttime, etc.


Design & Communication 2

I had to take images based on a word that I was to select from a given list, I chose to explore the theme ‘hole’ and took images related to this, I then had to add a word to the images to either describe the image or to reformat it so that it conveys a different message. These images had to be postcard sized so that they could be used as such.

Place Film

Design & Communication 2

I had to create a 3 minute film to describe a place, I chose to use my life as my place to describe so I decided to record what I was doing for a week and then stripped it down to what i thought were the most accurate clips for describing my life and editing these clips together to show a narrative spanning over a few days.

To view the video please click below:

Self Portrait Film

Design & Communication 2

I was given the task to create a self portrait film using projections, I did this by scratching into 16mm film which I then loaded onto a film projector and then filmed. When I began to start editing I used a masking effect to make the other projections I created using an OHP, (over head projector) play underneath the scratch film.

If you would like the view the film then the link below will take you to Vimeo where it can be viewed: